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Luke 2: 6-14 |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Posted by Manda♥ at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
OMGosh! So sorry~
Sorry about being away for like a month so many things have been happening! If you want see my Disney World Photo's here is where they are, here I may have to add you but hopefully you can see them! I had such a great time. It was a trip I really needed, plus talking to the Princesses and characters in character, was just so great! I really had a BLAST! I just wanna keep going back this time of year, I loved the Christmas decorations, it was just magical [as Jasmine would say :)] But I'm happy that in two years it will be for my birthday, I just can't wait! Seriously! So far its one of my favorite places to be! Seriously, It was love at first sight!
SO now Christmas is coming and everything is sinking in. I'm going to see my dad next weekend, I'm really sad I can't be there for Christmas, I just hope he doesn't get mopey. I know it sucks for him to be alone now, not that my brother is no longer their, last year he had me that first Christmas without him, so I hope he is okay this year.
Hmm. Not much else to talk about right now, I just I hope I get back here soon. :)
Til next time~
Posted by Manda♥ at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
First, thank you everyone for the bday wishes last moth, Sofia, thank you for everything your one amazing friend! Love you :)
Just got my email hacked, but everything is fixed. I just feel like I pissed a lot of people off and that I'm really hated right now. But i had no idea, I hate being hacked, it makes me feel like this tiny little person and because of thing everyone hates me. I'm still freaking out. Its got be all kinds of shakey.. I hate this feeling!! :/
Disney is happening in a week. Good Times! :) Anyway, thats all for now!
♡Manda ♡
Posted by Manda♥ at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
L-R Rae, Sana, and Me! This is waiting for the con to start! :D |
Booboo Stewart was just awesome and makes such a great Seth-puppy :) can't wait to see more of him in Breaking Dawn! :) |
Tinsel Korey, who I find to be just amazing. I really wanna see her again. I loved her more than I thought I would. She is also very pretty! :) |
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Sana, Me & Rae with guest Chris Heyerdahl he plays Marcus in New Moon. Again he was just really awesome, look he took pictures with us for free! Just one awesome guy! |
Then came Sept 25, which was awesome as it was Sana's birthday and we took her to Chili's for dinner then Rae made her cake! It was such a great day! I really love hanging out with that gang, they are so much fun! :)
Hmm. This past weekend was Comic Con in New York, I had a blast, I got to meet/see Matt Lanter from 90210, Vampires Suck, etc. He was such a sweet heart, and i got to make a fool of myself and act like I was 12 when I told him he had pretty blue eyes, but its the truth. Lol. He seriously was the sweetest guy celeb I've meet, just a pure sweetheart.
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See total hottie :) |
Hmm on Wends I will be 31 OH NOES.. Happy brithday to me in a few days. speaking of which. My amazing friend in Chilie, Sofia, sent me the best gift, ever. If you read or watch The Vampire Diaries you know about Lapis Luzli a rare stone that is the rings that belong Damon & Stefan. Well she sent me a necklace and a bracelet with that stone in it, Plus its rare, so it means sooo much to me!! Here is a picture of the beautiful gift she sent me!
Okay now that I've said some things I must get going. I will be back soon I promise! :)
Posted by Manda♥ at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Long Weekend
Yay for vacations, thats all I can say. I still owe you all pics from my Twilight Convention. Those will come soon, I swear I've just been a lil busy since returning. The roomie and I have been hanging to play Supernatural catch up. We will probably be starting season 4 today!!! So excited we will finally be getting to Castiel!
Nicole and I have been a lot of fun actually! YAY! :) Our Disney trip is just a few months away!!!!! Thats soooo exciting!!!! :D
But yeah Over the Twilight my camera broke because iced tea spilled in my bag, it was a hassle but it finally got replaced thanks to my over emotional tears and the Geek Squad being super nice for a change.
Not much else to really talk about. When I post Twilight con pics I'll talk about what went on and such! This is just a mini post. I will be posting more tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow comes the Twi-Tour pics :)
Posted by Manda♥ at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Busy couple weeks .. RL really does suck at times. I need more me time so hopefully that happens soonish. This coming Friday-Sunday is Twi-Tour with my really good friends Rae & Sana. I am really excited about it!
When out yesterday with the roomie, Nicole. We got martini and high baller glasses for her party in two weeks. We got a few other things for it too. We also went to Best Buy where she got a Disney set of DVDs about the resorts and all things Disney!!! So I'm excited, we watched a DVD about the resorts yesterday. She got the DVDs so we can do more planning as our trip is in 3 months. YAY!
I hope this week goes by fast though. I really want it to be con & friend time!! I need to go shopping this week so I can get my ingredients to make angel food cake for Hillywood. I need to raspberries and whipped cream yet too, for the full affect of a great treat! Believe me when I say next week I will have pictures to post. :D I am so excited for next week!!! like woah excited!!!
Well I think that's it for now.. At least I think so. I could be back later!
Posted by Manda♥ at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Pictures from Vaca 1
Nothing special actually. I didn't get to take that many :( I should have! Next time I know! :)
Shadow, Kald (Dave), Indy and I forget the guy in fronts name :( |
Roommate Nicole by the fire :) |
Nicole, Smee, Vei, Indy,Onxt, and another person I don't remember their name :( They were playing hackey sack! Again at the Drive In :) |
Matt and Smee playing a game in front of the drive in screen! |
Just how blue the sky was there! :) |
The creek way back behind their house. That's Wiggles he gave us the hour long tour of their land! |
They have A LOT of land! So pretty :) |
Those are my pics. I am sorry it isn't a lot, but gah I had such a good time!
Posted by Manda♥ at 2:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I did promise pics yesterday but sadly that didn't happen, I got busy with my roomie, then Dave came over so yeah I hung out! It was fun so today I promise pics will posted :) Just keep your eyes open! They are gonna happen!!!
Posted by Manda♥ at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wow Vacation #1
Vacation #1 was just amazing. I met some amazing people, I just feel that Nicole and I are on pins and needles around each other because we kinda bonded with the same guy, as a friend for me, but I don't know what Nicole thinks of him, but I feel like I'm not allowed to say his name or talk about how he has texted me and such. She has been a little kinda mean-ier. Its hard to explain I just feel like I can't mention Indy! Its sad, because he is such a cool guy!
I met more friends too! Wiggles is just awesome and he's a great cook :D Because of him, Indy and Smee I got to finally finish Torchwood : Children of Earth. I still am not sure of what I think of how it ended.. I was just like "Really Jack, your own Grandson?!?!" and I also think Ianto deserved a better death then what they gave him. But yeah Thanks guys for watching the show with me! I'm glad I met Dr. Who/Torchwood fans and to not mention anime. I felt so very welcome in the circle even though I'm not part of your WoW guild.... YET! Also the whole gang gave me a new nickname to welcome even more and I love it! My new nickname is 'Princess Tiny Feet' because of just how tiny my foot is xD. Gah I really miss everyone =(
Back to the weekend. The air was so fresh, the land was just awesome, and if I could I think I might move, it was just so me up there. It was beautiful. I just wish I could of stayed. Not to worry though next year we are staying for the week!!! I really can't wait to spend more time with Indy, Wiggles, Smee, Kayy & all the others!
Pics of the trip will be uploaded tomorrow after work I think. I didn't take to many, but I can post what I took. There is one picture I wanted to take and forgot about all about it, I'm very sad about it. The sky was just so full of stars one night and so crystal clear, I'm very upset I missed that picture :( One day I'll get it.
Next month is the Twilight convention. I just can't wait to keep getting away from work. I just wish I didn't have to work. I have so much I wanna do and not enough time to do it. It really sucks half the time I think of moving home to take care of my dad, sadly I can't. Just so much to do.. Maybe one day.. Just gotta keep wishing, hoping & praying.
Not much else to chat about now. :)
Posted by Manda♥ at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I am not gonna lie I'm lame at giving posts a title xD.
I am so glad today is Thursday last day of work til next Wends! I'm so looking forward to this its crazy. I almost wanna take a half day today! I might actually see if that is possible somehow.
I get my paycheck today so we have the money for our trip Tomorrow-Monday. I am just so excited! I haven't had a true vacation in such a long time!
Anyways.. Ever feel like your on the back burner with some people. I know I feel this way at times. I think I wanna start renewing my faith in things, and I think I am gonna start that soon. Probably tomorrow. I wanna get out my bible and start doing a devotional again. I wanna find a good devotional book. I might start looking online. I think once I get right with God, maybe things will start to come together again. I need this, and I feel like its the one thing I keep ignoring in the back of my mind, but it just won't give up. I should of started today, sadly I didn't get up early enough. :/ So yeah tomorrow! I will even blog about it! I need to call my dad today too... I will do that this evening!
Well I don't what else to write, I'm afraid if I continue I will just ramble about things and I can't let that happen. So I'm off til after work!
PS. I am thankful I have Sofia right, she has helped me out a lot lately, and was inspiration for getting a blogger. I need a way to get things out! So thank you Sofia! :) Your an amazing friend, Thank You for loving and caring about me and always checking on me when I am down in the dumps! :)
Posted by Manda♥ at 7:02 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I am glad to have a blogger again. To let feelings out and just take a load off.
Sometimes when nostalgia hits, I get really down on myself. I start to think, that maybe moving to New Jersey 5 years ago is what set off everything bad in my life the past 5.
Bad Things:
1. Things with Matt (they got better though and we are still together)
2. Grandma going into a nursing home. (She now doesn't even know who I am)
3. My dad lost the house, he now lives in an apartment.
4. My brother died. (I still can't handle that at all)
I just feel like my life is gonna get worse. In some aspects it has, I feel like I can't make the right choices when it comes to anything anymore.
The one thing saving me from me anything, is my faith, and my friends. I don't know what I'd do without them. I feel some slipping away from me, and that hurts like no ones business. But I know sometimes its best to just move on. I just feel like every time I try to move on, something bad happens. D: I really don't want anything bad to happen, so I try to just do nothing.
Blah, I need to stop depressing myself. It doesn't take to much to make me cry anymore and I can't do that before work. *sigh* My job is becoming more of a hassle then it used to. It used to be easy and breezy, and now its like a tornado of madness that never stops.
Sometimes I think therapy might help, but I really can't afford it. But at least I can get some feelings out without revealing to much.
Thank Gosh vacation is 3 days away. Friday get here fast so I can just get away!!! :)
Posted by Manda♥ at 6:36 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I am so looking forward to my vacation to upstate New York this coming weekend. Expect pictures sometime the following week. I need a vacation. I haven't had one since last year, and I think my brothers funeral does NOT count as a vacation. :/ So yay Vacation #1 is happening so soon I can taste it. I can't wait to get away!
Next month is vacation #2 which is a Twilight Convention with my friends Sana & Rae ♥♥ I can't wait. Can't wait to meet the guests. I also can't wait to hang out more with Hillywood! They are such amazing people ♥♥ :D I love them. I will have to tell you more about them as I progress in my blog.
Vacation #3, which is totally saving the best for last is My first trip to Disney with my boyfriend Matt, and my roommate Nicole! She is pretty cool, and we are starting to hang out more. I really love that! While we are at Disney we will get partake in the Food & Wine Festival and the beginning of Christmas in Disney! I will get to see the Osborne Lights and go to Mickey's Christmas Party! This is a trip that both Nicole and I need seeing as she lost her mom and I lost my brother. This is our fun trip. So looking forward to it ♥♥
So yay vacations are happening finally!
♡ Manda ♡
Posted by Manda♥ at 6:10 PM 0 comments
I am new to blogger, but new to blogging. I used to have an LJ but do to something that happened in my life, I want a new blogging tool. So here I am! =) As I start to post more, more about will me come up, so stay tuned =)
♡ Manda ♡
Posted by Manda♥ at 12:05 PM 0 comments